Why Job Interviews Are Out Of Control In 2024

Is your job search driving you crazy? You’re not alone. A recent survey from The Hustle found that 58% of job seekers believe job interviewing is out of control. And they’re right: interviewing is grueling right now.

If you’re looking for a job, you know what I’m talking about—hiring managers being disrespectful, getting ghosted after multiple rounds of interviews, and so many more horror stories.

We know job interviews are out of control. Now, let’s unpack why…

It’s A Buyer’s Market

First of all, it’s a buyer market. When there are so many qualified candidates in the job market, companies feel obligated to see what’s available and consider every option.

Think about what you do when you’re making a really expensive purchase because, essentially, that’s what’s happening with employers. They’re investing thousands of dollars in you, so they need to make sure they’re getting the right person for the job. They’re not just going to pick the first person who comes along. They draw out the hiring process in order to compare and contrast people and, hopefully, hire the best candidate.

 Recruiting Confusion

The second reason interviews are out of control is that AI has sped up the death of the resume, and it has created a lot of recruiting confusion. People are applying online with fake resumes. They’re using AI tools like ChatGPT to create a resume that’s a direct match for a job in order to get through the ATS (applicant tracking system) only for a recruiter to then call this person, do an interview, and waste their time to find out this person isn’t really who they said they were.

This is creating a lot of messiness in the recruitment process, and recruiters are pretty upset about it. They now have to authenticate that somebody is who they say they are. This draws out the interview process. There are more interviews involved. There’s more testing involved. This is the new reality. But the good news is that this is also speeding up the improvement of the interview process.

The First Interview Is The Most Important

The most important part of the entire hiring process is the first interview, that first time you talk with a recruiter or a hiring manager because that’s the moment when you’re authenticating yourself—you are who you say, and you’re also providing “impact evidence” that you’re the right candidate for the job.

Your resume and LinkedIn profile only list your features, and in the beginning, employers compare your features to other candidates’ features, so the applicants they choose to interview all look the same. But that first interview is where you start to break away from the pack, where you’re able to convey the benefits of hiring you, your unique value add (UVA). This is the moment when you can really shine and catapult yourself into being the must-have candidate.

Now, how do you make that happen?

First, create videos of yourself answering some of the most common interview questions. Then, proactively send those videos to recruiters and hiring managers.

The key to getting hired in this job market is documenting your knowledge and expertise. And that’s what this strategy accomplishes.

Plus, when you use a tool like the McCoy mobile app, you’re able to record those videos, put them all together in one link (kind of like a LinkedIn profile link), and send them to recruiters and hiring managers in a few easy steps. This is the kind of game-changing technology that’s going to help you and other job seekers get better jobs.

Video is the way for you to authenticate yourself and provide that impact evidence to recruiters and hiring managers before the first job interview. Try it today so can get more interviews and beat out the competition.

Good luck, and go get ’em!

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