Austin’s Tech Trailblazers: 10 Companies Revolutionizing With Microsoft

Austin’s Tech Trailblazers: 10 Companies Revolutionizing With Microsoft

Howdy, LinkedIn tech enthusiasts! Saddle up for a wild ride with me through Austin’s digital frontier, where innovation flows faster than the Colorado River. This is not your average tech roundup—we’re diving into a city so wired that even the bats are coding! Austin’s keeping it wonderfully weird and Windows-erful, y’all. I’ve compiled a list … Read more

5 Key Leadership Qualities I Have Learned In My Career

5 Key Leadership Qualities I Have Learned In My Career

I have been asked recently what I attribute my success to and how have I been able to grow in my career. After thinking about this for a moment I responded that it was when I was a store manager for Target and realized that it is not possible for me to do everything that … Read more