Double the salary + Benefits but something doesnt feel right


I work at a Fortune 500 tech company, but my salary is crap (no surprise there). These companies are filled with politics. I was denied promotion twice last year, and they’re also blocking my internal job applications. My reporting manager is okay apart from the political nonsense. The work itself isn’t stressful, but they’re lying about any opportunities for growth or salary increases. I’ve been here 3 years with no salary increase.

I got a job offer last evening from a vendor company. There are some red flag: the role is for an Integration Engineer who will work on integrating their product with my current Fortune 500 company. The interview conversations were respectful, and it seems like an okay place to work from the outside, but I feel the role itself is dangerous.


Integration Engineer Role

  • Task: See the full end-to-end flow from the vendor product to the Fortune 500 company.
  • Not worried about learning new technical skills for the vendor product.
  • Concern: Dealing with my current company, knowing their product strategy, development teams, and Cloud direction.

Log Access:

  • Vendor will not have the ability to access logs and review the full end-to-end flow.
  • Logs will be locked in my current company’s infrastructure, requiring a lot of liaising with my current company to get any logs.

New company aka (Vendor’s Awareness):

  • Vendor hiring manager said, “we are totally out of it” and they don’t seem to have a clue about the direction of my current company’s product strategy.

Interview Process:

  • Supposed to have a technical interview, but it didn’t happen because they didn’t have anyone to evaluate my skill set.
  • I had 2 non-technical interviews before they sent the offer.

Technical Challenges:

  • Being on the vendor side might put me in a difficult position due to limited capabilities to do full end-to-end testing.
  • This could prevent me from fully doing the job as needed.

Coordination Issues:

  • If I try to coordinate with my current company, they likely won’t acknowledge an email from an engineer.
  • They don’t even reply to me now internally, despite knowing me well.
  • Typical corporate ego issues: communication needs to go through the hierarchy (product manager/integration manager, etc.).
  • Engineers have no authority; only Product managers deal with Product Manager / Integration Managers from vendors.


  • I feel I will have no power and be in a difficult position without authority or leverage to do the full end-to-end testing required. I asked questions clearly in interview and kind of got a understanding where they are at
  • My assumption is they need an integration manager before they need an engineer. The hiring manager mentioned this is a new unit they are preparing, but this is just my assumption.
  • An integration manager can coordinate with my current company’s product manager, but an engineer may not be able to.

I have mixed feelings because:

  • The pay is good.
  • The working location is good.
  • The benefits are good.
  • However, I am concerned about the hiring manager saying they are totally out of it, which will become a challenge.

Thoughts, guys?

submitted by /u/Common_Coffee_6296
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