Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship | Admissify

Welcome to Admissify, a trustworthy guide that introduces you to various career opportunities. Today, we are very happy to focus on a special possibility for ambitious students—the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship. This scholarship plan was created to attract the best intellects from different parts of the world and offer monetary help to excellent international learners who are doing their PhD at the University of Edinburgh

Picture yourself doing groundbreaking research in a city famous for its deep academic roots and lively cultural environment. You can make this dream come true by using the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship and enjoying top-notch resources, professional guidance, and an active intellectual group. We at Admissify are familiar with the complexities of applying for highly competitive scholarships such as these. We are here to assist you throughout the process – from creating impactful applications to handling admissions details. Now, let’s examine how the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship can become your entrance to academic brilliance and new ideas.


Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship is for international students who want to do a research degree in the UK at the University of Edinburg. It’s a scholarship for international students starting Ph.D. degrees at the University of Edinburg.

  • The scholarship covers the difference between the tuition fees of an international student.
  • The scholarship amount changes depending on the course chosen by the student.
  • It is offered to students who show potential results in their research.
  • Thirty scholarships are awarded each year.
  • The scholarship is renewable for three years of study at the University of Edinburg.

Eligibility Criteria

Along with that, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements listed below:

  • They must be full-time Ph.D. students who are working on research in any course offered by the university.
  • Must be an international student who is liable to pay the tuition fee.
  • Must be of outstanding academic merit.
  • Students who get an upper second class in their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are also considered for this scholarship. Because of the competition, the possibility of receiving the scholarship is expanded if they have improved academic results.
  • Must provide proof of nationality, residence, the proposed field of study, and personal information.
  • Must not hold any other scholarship at the time of applying for this scholarship.

Selection Process

Once the university receives the application, the selection process will follow.

A panel of experts, selected by the university board, evaluates students based on these criteria.

The scholarship results will be communicated to recipients by the end of April. If awarded, it can be renewed for three years of research at the University of Edinburg.

Terms and Conditions Regarding the Scholarship:

  • This only applies to students who already possess a PhD degree or are equal in direct research preparation.
  • Scholarships will not be available for the first year of study if the student has applied to start his Master’s in the first year and the PhD in the second year, just like Postgraduate Students.
  • Students can’t simultaneously hold the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship and other scholarships, such as the Commonwealth Scholarship or the Marshall Scholarship.

Grant Details

The University of Edinburgh gives the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship to all full-time PhD students who want to do research.

  • The scholarship is only eligible for international students.
  • A total of 30 awards are granted annually.
  • The grant is renewable and is provided for three years for every semester.
  • The scholarship guarantees the variation in tuition costs for international and domestic students.


The Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship is a fantastic chance for those pursuing a PhD to engage themselves in a top-level research setting at the University of Edinburgh. This scholarship doesn’t just lessen monetary worries but also offers entry into an active academic group that promotes creativity and mental development. At Admissify, we are dedicated to assisting you with your application procedures so that it can be noticed among tough competition. Using our knowledge and abilities, you can make sure to move towards reaching your academic and investigation hopes. Start this changing trip with the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship and let Admissify become your dependable companion to turn your educational dreams into actuality. Discover, apply and do well together with Admissify.


What are the eligibility criteria for the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship?

People from any country around the world can apply for this scholarship. The main condition is that they need to be international students starting a full-time PhD program at the University of Edinburgh. In addition, they are expected to show outstanding academic performance and research capabilities. 

What does the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship cover?

The scholarship will pay the difference between tuition fees for UK/EU students and overseas students. However, it does not include money to cover living expenses or other personal costs like food and travelling.

How do I apply for the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship?

First, you must be admitted into a PhD program at the University of Edinburgh. Once you’ve secured your place in an eligible program, you can apply for a scholarship through the university’s online scholarship application system. For more detailed instructions and deadlines, visit the university’s scholarship portal.

What is the selection process for the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship? 

The selection process is very competitive and centred on educational worthiness and study potential. A group of academic specialists reviews the applications, checking each applicant’s scholarly accomplishments, research plan, and capacity to make an impact in their selected field of study. The university informs successful candidates about their acceptance once they have gone through this evaluation phase.

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