New Lawyer – Unemployed, drowning in debt and over-qualified for non-lawyer jobs.

I’m a newly called lawyer. In North America. And I’m unemployed and drowning in debt.

I had stellar grades in law school (not that it matters).

I worked government jobs in the legal sector.

I have letters of reference from judges.

I worked in private practice too.

Working in the legal sphere before and during law school helped me pick up skills that new lawyers generally take years to build once they’re licensed. I have what it takes.

I’ve networked, in all the ways possible. I’ve sent over 657 job applications since I was licensed earlier this year (and prior to that waiting in anticipation of being called to the bar). I started out with wanting to go in-house but overtime applied to everything that was available. Nothing.

I’ve tried to connect with people and find mentorship. NO ONE has time or is interested in mentoring new calls. Having spoken with other friends in my position, there’s a consensus that senior lawyers are indifferent to the mentorship they received. Maybe it’s the current financial climate, I don’t know. But mentorship is crucial and it’s nearly impossible to find.

I’ve interviewed. I’ve connected with people on LinkedIn. I’ve applied and connected with the hiring managers followed by the other 6533753 things job seekers are now told to do only to be rejected. I’ve made to it final rounds. Some rejections but mostly full ghosting after final rounds only to see that the company never hired or maybe never intended filled that role to begin with. I even had one job where I got an initial rejection, then an apology rom the recruiter that there was an error with the hiring platform (workday cough cough) and then in the final interview, had the hiring manager turn up late, unprepared, and told they had to end the interview midway through due to a “work emergency” (that was a first for sure).

I’m now stuck between opening up my own practice or quitting law or going into a new profession.

I’m also overqualified for most jobs and employers see me as a flight risk or can’t figure out why I’m searching for non-lawyer gigs.

I’ve applied to all kinds of jobs. I’ve gone to conferences, I’ve paid for networking events I couldn’t even afford.

My life is on hold. Can’t pay off debt, can’t buy a home, cant gain my footing. I’m stuck. I’m in my 30’s and as a woman, I’m faced with the reality of possibly never having children because of this s**t. It’s devastating.

I don’t do the tiny violin. I don’t do pity party’s. I always make it through.

I have to maintain composure and remain hopeful but my god this fing blows. It fing blows.

What an introduction to the profession.

submitted by /u/nosoupforyou_980
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