PROOF: Job Seekers Who Did It – David Lee

PROOF is an occasional series that showcases (and celebrates!) people who employed new job search strategies and landed THE job or promotion they wanted. Today, we feature David Lee of Portland, OR

We first met David in 2021. After 20+ years of experience as a technical writer and instructional design specialist for FLIR Systems, Inc. (Now Teladyne FLIR), he was ready for a change. After 20+ years with one employer, however, he was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the tasks involved in preparing for and successfully executing a job search.

David had recently learned of through our LinkedIn posts; he decided to give us a try. Our first project comprised a Resume Overhaul and LinkedIn Profile makeover. Here’s what he said about our initial work together:

What did you learn through the process of working with

“It was a surprisingly introspective experience,” he said. “I had thought of a resume as basically a recitation of stuff I’d done, and that it wouldn’t be much different from anyone else at my stage in their career. But Jenny’s process revealed that I had actually accomplished quite a bit and had done some things not only to be proud of, but to use as the nexus of a personal brand that I hadn’t even considered.”

What happened after we finished your project?

“I have a background that combines drone operations, aviation, and technical communications. And there was one employer and role that I really had my sights on, as it would allow me to leverage my strengths in all of these things,” David said. “Jenny helped me target that role specifically … and I got the job!”

Did the new resume and updated LinkedIn profile help you land the interview?

“More than once, actually! It helped me land an interview for the first role and then, after about a year in that position, the company I was with — a startup within a larger organization — the parent company decided to shut down our business,” he said. “But after a brief touch-up to my resume and LinkedIn profile (with Jenny’s guidance), I had multiple offers before the layoff actually took effect.”

Fast forward to late 2023. David has learned of an incredible opportunity within Boeing. It’s, as he explained it, “As close to a dream gig as I could possibly imagine.” We worked together again, this time on strategy to help him navigate the interview process.

In February 2024, he got the job.

Tell us about your new role

“I landed a role as an Instructional Designer with Boeing that uses my background as a pilot, instructor, and technical writer to help create training programs for pilots flying our wide body aircraft,” he said. “I can’t provide a lot of detail, but it’s a great fit.”

What advice would you give to someone who may be struggling with job search?

“First, listen to Jenny’s advice. Watch her videos, read her books, and read her posts. Next, get specific about who you are and what you’ve accomplished. It’s probably a lot cooler than you give yourself credit for,” he said. “Finally, be specific about roles and companies you’d like to work for. The shotgun approach has never worked (well) for me, but finding out about companies I’d like to work for and things I’d like to do there has.”

Final thoughts about working with

“I think what I appreciate most about working with is that the relationship doesn’t end with the resume. Jenny and her team are genuinely invested in your success, and will be there to help and answer questions as you progress through the mind-boggling interviewing and hiring process. Also, during my various interviews since using my super-duper JobJenny resume, I’ve had four (count ’em, four!) people tell me it was the best resume they’d ever seen!”

Congrats, David! We are thrilled to see how your career continues to evolve.

Do you have a success story that you’d like featured on PROOF? If yes, be sure and send us a note at [email protected]. We love hearing about the amazing things you’re doing!


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