quit on the spot ; TLDR

I F21 started an office job at a law firm as a receptionist and a translator to really try to break into the corporate world and it was at first super great until everything took the biggest turn for me. I didn’t know that being quiet would be the most negative thing in the world. One of the first instances was me being told I wasn’t cleaning enough in front of the whole office by one of the other girls working there. Another included someone else coming and literally admitting to almost starting to haze me until she started talking to me. And most of all I’d get side looks and just ostracized so I knew something was up where I was the subject of something for the oddest reason, because honestly I didn’t talk to them. Oh also forgot to include i turned into the scapegoat, being blamed for client intakes that were supposedly unacceptable, which to be honest weren’t mine at all, but another coworkers’ and she seemed to enjoy not having to take responsibility for it which was annoying because frankly why am i being lectured over something that isn’t my doing.That was the first of my dilemmas, now the second one turned into the translations I had to do for consultations. The worst thing to me was that the office admin in charge of those consultations would flirt with clients, make suggestive comments or would literally say the weirdest jokes, which I chose not to translate because to tell that to a potential new client is really just insane and most of the clients seemed uncomfortable after the end of the consultations. So I would just skip ahead to the actual important points and leave the jokes out which the guy seemed to hate. By the way he could speak a little Spanish so in my head it was like… say it yourself , because I don’t talk inappropriately in a “professional” setting. By the last time of me doing this after a consultation; he tells me when the client leaves to close the door and starts saying things like “ you’re gonna do your f’n job and translate everything i f’n say no matter what i f’n say” and a whole bunch of other hullabaloo. He gave me the ultimatum with so many f bombs that when it was done i decided to walk out mid shift. Super lost on what to do now but no longer overwhelmed mentally. Super sad because i loved the job duties such as filing and all which everyone hated, (i filed 8 months worth of papers in my 30th day out of 90th trial) and honestly couldn’t make it through the complete trial. Just needed to get it out because i prayed for an office job but that turned into a nightmare.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAMconfusion
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