5 Key Leadership Qualities I Have Learned In My Career

5 Key Leadership Qualities I Have Learned In My Career

I have been asked recently what I attribute my success to and how have I been able to grow in my career. After thinking about this for a moment I responded that it was when I was a store manager for Target and realized that it is not possible for me to do everything that … Read more

10 Characteristics Every Great Leader Needs At Work

10 Characteristics Every Great Leader Needs At Work

When we are asked to think of a leader, someone who inspires us to do our best every day, a wide variety of people come to mind. Maybe someone in your personal life, someone from a television show or movie, or a historical figure whose personality you greatly admire. While the type of person can … Read more

3 Essential Soft Skills Every Leader Must Have

3 Essential Soft Skills Every Leader Must Have

Soft skills get a bad rap. Yet more organizations are requiring development on the softer side than ever before. So, what’s the deal? “Companies have moved away from the ‘command and control’ decision-making style,” says Marie Holmstrom, the Charlotte, N.C.-based director of talent management and organization alignment with Towers Watson. “Managing day-to-day decisions takes away … Read more

Moving Up: How To Transition Into A Leadership Role

Moving Up: How To Transition Into A Leadership Role

Whether you’re managing a team or leading a country, making a transition into a leadership role can be a bit of a challenge. If you want to start off on the right foot, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are 11 tips for successfully transitioning into a leadership role. 1. … Read more

3 Problem-Solving Techniques To Use Throughout Your Day

3 Problem-Solving Techniques To Use Throughout Your Day

Have you thought about how much problem-solving you typically do each day? If you don’t think very much, you may not be giving yourself enough credit. Individuals typically solve numerous problems throughout the day for both personal and work. While many problems are solved consciously, you also engage in an unconscious problem-solving process throughout the … Read more