Building a Personal Brand Through Influencer Marketing in the eCommerce Space

Anyone aiming to significantly impact eCommerce must develop their own personal brand. A strong personal brand helps establish credibility, attract loyal followers, and increase sales. Influencer marketing is a growing trend that uses social media influencers’ broad audience and credibility to boost brand exposure and authenticity. This article will explore useful ways to create a … Read more

SCAMPER tool optimizes content marketing strategies

Introducing SCAMPER, a powerful tool for stimulating content marketing ideas. It stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put-to-another-use, and Rearrange/Reverse. This innovative tool transforms the creative process by encouraging exploration of perspectives beyond the known boundaries. In essence, SCAMPER encourages ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. By substituting, combining, or adapting aspects, we can generate fresh perspectives. By modifying … Read more

Elden Ring expansion sets high gaming standards

The highly acclaimed game, Elden Ring, enjoys an incredible standing in the world of gaming, boasting a 96/100 score on Metacritic. Upon its success, the developers introduced new features in its recent update to expand the game’s narrative and visual capacities. Apart from its intricate storytelling, supreme graphics, and dynamic aspects, Elden Ring continually grips … Read more

AI impacts logo creation and business success

Decoding Business Success and the Role of AI in Logo Creation The fundamental elements of a successful business stretch far beyond profits and extend into its brand identity, significantly symbolized by an engaging logo. Such a logo can notably alter customer perceptions, fostering brand recognition and cultivating loyalty. Similarly, a company’s brand voice and its … Read more

Tom Anderson’s strategy bridges ad technologies and native services

Tom Anderson, CEO of a rising programmatic service company, is primed to enroll unique “native-as-a-service” solutions to Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs). The experienced innovator, who has worked with notable names such as Emodo and TripleLift, aspires to thread the needle between conventional ad technologies and modern native services. Envisioning a breakthrough in the ad tech terrain, … Read more

AI-powered studio set to redefine content creation

June 18th, 2024, marked an exciting day in the content creation industry, with the launch of a revolutionary AI-powered Production Studio. This state-of-the-art tool, powered by the NVIDIA Omniverse development platform and OpenUSD, is set to redefine content marketing with its unique capabilities, such as advanced image classification and integrated workflows. The AI tool is … Read more

Michael Ian Kaye: Influential trailblazer in design

There’s something special about Michael Ian Kaye, a highly respected Chief Design Officer whose transformative designs have touched sectors far and wide. His list of big-name clients, like Walmart and Meta, only begins to scratch the surface of his achievements. Not merely a corporate suit, Michael has also made waves in the literary world with … Read more

Subtle set design narrates Hulu’s minimalist film

Production design plays a critical role in storytelling, particularly in films like Hulu’s ‘No One Will Save You’. This minimalistic movie, with limited characters and minimal dialogue, heavily leans on the visual elements to narrate the story. Through artful set designs and strategically placed props, the plot and the characters’ complex mental journey are subtly … Read more

Unveiling 2024’s influential game-changers in art

Unveiling the Influential 100 of 2024. This illustrious list features game-changers in fields such as photography, illustration, and fashion design. These pioneers redefine brands, telling compelling narratives through their art, and inspire others with their vision and dedication. Their contributions have international reach, proving influence and creativity know no borders. Among these cultural revolutionaries is … Read more

Exceptional artists redefine brand storytelling in 2024

Brand storytelling has taken a significant leap forward in 2024 with a group of exceptional artists proficient in visual and multimedia content creation. These creative minds traverse various artistic mediums including photography, fashion design, and illustration, pushing the boundaries of brand narrative through a blend of advanced technology, innovation, and skill. Augmented reality, virtual reality … Read more