Navigating Challenges and Embracing Joy

This week started on an unusual note with the campus going into lockdown due to ongoing demonstrations. Approximately 40 to 60 individuals set up an encampment on campus grounds without the University’s permission. To prevent any potential disruptions, including attempts by the protesters to enter our learning and working spaces, Drexel University decided to lock … Read more

Taste of Home Near SNU (Seoul National University)

When studying abroad, especially in Korea, finding good food is not hard at all! Specifically, around Seoul National University campus and SNU Station, there are hundreds, if not thousands of businesses, half of which are restaurants. The challenge arises though when you begin to feel a bit homesick and crave food from home. As a … Read more

America’s top PR agencies celebrated in 2024

The success of any organization hinges largely on its adeptness at reputation management, product appeal creation, and crisis management. Managed by Public Relations (PR) professionals, these tasks have become more crucial in today’s digital age. It’s no surprise that, in 2022, the global PR market was valued at over $100 billion according to Statista. PR … Read more

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Transfer AT&T Service to a New Phone

Introduction: Upgrading to a new phone is an exciting experience, but transferring your AT&T service may seem daunting. Fortunately, the process is straightforward with the right guidance. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to seamlessly transfer your AT&T service to a new phone, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity and convenience. 1. Preparing … Read more

A Day in the Life: Nara Park, Japan!

 Hello from Japan! I was extremely excited to visit Japan, as it is a culture that is different from anything I had experienced before. As I exited the plane, I realized that I could not read any of the signs, and I began to feel lost and nervous. With my professor helping to translate and … Read more

A Day in Lisbon

I was unsure what to expect on our first day of class abroad. I was extremely overwhelmed, nervous, excited, and abundantly grateful for the opportunity to come to Europe for the first time and for Portugal to be the first country I visit. When we first met in a group in the lobby to go … Read more

On Tokyo Time!

    Upon arrival, Japan has a quiet, serene aura. I had always pictured Tokyo specifically as a loud bustling city, perhaps as the New York City of eastern Asia. Instead, everything is designed with intent, and the Japanese people have an utmost sense of respect for their city and each other. Calming silence filled … Read more

8 Tips For Conducting An Effective Job Search

In cold weather climates, the beginning of spring is a time to clean the house and get organized—a practice known as spring cleaning. Through the years, spring cleaning has taken on a larger meaning with people using the time to organize and declutter things in their lives. For professionals on the job hunt, a little … Read more

List of Top Universities in New Zealand (2024) | Admissify

With just eight universities gracing its shores, New Zealand packs an educational punch that is at par with other study-abroad destinations. These prestigious institutions have caught the eye of students worldwide, especially those from India’s illustrious lands. One Kiwi university has soared into the prestigious top 100 global rankings, which further attracts Indian students.  The … Read more