The Waiting Game: Surviving Job Offer Anxiety

Have you ever felt like you totally rocked an interview? You had all your questions and answers prepared, the hiring manager really seemed impressed, and they even hinted at a callback. You wake up the next morning with a huge grin on your face expecting an email or a phone call, but you receive nothing. … Read more

PTE Syllabus: Pattern, Registration, and Exam Dates | Admissify

PTE Syllabus assesses the Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening skillfulness to ensure that you are capable of studying in an international environment. Additionally, it gives proof of English language proficiency. The PTE exam 2024 syllabus is mainly made up of three units, the Speaking & Writing Section, the Reading Section, and the Listening Section. If … Read more

Describe a Person Who Thinks Music is Important and Enjoys Music: IELTS Cue Card | Admissify

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a well-known test that measures people’s abilities in English. It is designed to assess how well non-native speakers can comprehend and utilize the language accurately. This worldwide examination evaluates four major components: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This exam is managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS … Read more

Perfectionism is my Superpower

(Cambridge Dictionary) Perfectionist; /pərˈfek·ʃə·nɪst/ noun. A person who wants very much to get every detail exactly right. (My version) A person who needs to get everything exactly right. Every time. All the time. For years, I’ve been asking the wrong question. I’ve been told that my perfectionism wasn’t healthy. It was a bit…obsessive. A bit…too much. A bit… annoying. So I have … Read more

Strategic Redeployment of Human Capital: Making the Most of Talent – Velocity Search Group

One of the certainties in IT and cybersecurity is that the field will always be changing. With that comes corresponding changes in job requirements, titles, and specialized skills. How can teams keep up with these rapid changes while avoiding rapid turnover and all the associated costs? That’s where strategic redeployment comes in: using the talent … Read more